Black Friday is traditionally the season when you shop for televisions or Christmas presents, and not so much for outdoor gear. But that has changed in the past few years with REI’s Get Up Get Out Sale. Ostensibly, this is because REI wants you to skip Black Friday entirely and go outside in two weeks instead. That’s good advice, actually, but thanks to capitalism, all it means is that REI schedules its Black Friday sale a little early.
Hey, that helps avoid those tryptophan-fueled, bad-idea shopping mistakes. The deals are here now, even if the turkey isn’t. Don’t see anything you like? Don’t forget to check out our buying guides for our best outdoor recommendations, including our guides to The Best GoPros and The Best Barefoot Shoes.
We test products year-round and handpicked these deals. Products that are sold out or no longer discounted as of publishing will be crossed out. We’ll update this guide through November.
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Fitness Tracker and Tech Deals
Photograph: REI
Every time reviews editor Adrienne So sees a mega sporty Garmin, it reminds her of a parody headline, “Local Runner Convinces Himself He Needs $1,000 Watch to Run 50K.” As she noted in her review (8/10, WIRED Recommends), you probably do not need a sports watch that’s this expensive. But it’s big and beautiful, the battery lasts forever, and it records every sport conceivable with the most granular metrics possible. And it has a neat flashlight. You could do much worse. Check out our Best Fitness Trackers guide for more suggestions.
Apparel and Footwear Deals
Photograph: Icebreaker
Icebreaker’s Tech T-shirts are some of our favorite 100 percent merino wool T-shirts. They’re comfortable in all but the warmest weather and are great for layering because they do a passable job of blocking the wind (compared to a cotton T-shirt). There are a variety of designs and colors to choose from.
Merino wool underwear might sound, well, uncomfortable, but trust me. These are the best boxers you don’t own yet. I’ve been testing these for a while now, and they are incredibly soft, comfortable, and odor resistant. They’re not cheap, but this deal helps take a little of the sticker shock edge off.
This shirt seems to be an updated version of the all-season version below. This one is 100 percent merino, and fits fairly tightly, making it a good choice for layering. The women’s version is also on sale, in some cases for even less (select colors).
Photograph: REI
Reviews editor Adrienne So wears these pants at least once a week to hike or climb. They’re nylon (boo!), but they’ve held up to several years of relatively hard wear with air drying. I like the loose fit, unobtrusive design, roomy zip pockets, and internal drawstring. These are also great travel pants and come in several colors. She will probably buy the OV running leggings ($74, $24 off) too.
We included Danner boots in our Buy It for Life guide and our guide to the Best Hiking Boots. They’re not the lightest boots, nor the most nimble. But their standout feature is that the upper is made from single, beautiful pieces of full-grain leather, including the attached tongue. No leaking here!
In 2004, running company Brooks merged with pioneering run bra company Moving Comfort to make some of the best (and most expensive) sports bras on the market, especially if you’re larger-busted. This bra features molded cups and incrementally adjustable hook-and-eye straps to reduce bounce as much as possible.
Photograph: Smartwool
We love these long-sleeve Smartwool shirts for how soft they are. The heavy-duty seams (read: sturdier, longer lasting) are not so heavy that they cause any discomfort—the shirts lie flat and sit off the shoulder, as any half-decent base layer should. These aren’t 100 percent merino, but the 12 percent nylon might be welcome news if you’re a merino newbie. The men’s version is also on sale for the same price, though you can grab last year’s colors from REI Outlet for even less.
I have not tested these exact socks, but I own and love several other Smartwool pairs that have stood the test of time. And yes, you really can wear them on the trail for several days in a row and they won’t smell. I do suggest letting them air out each day if you can.
Tent and Bag Deals
Photograph: REI
This is our favorite 2-person backpacking tent that we’ve tested. It’s rugged, easy to set up, and offers generous living space for two with gear. The mesh design, when coupled with the rainfly and good staking, will stand up to storms and not roast you when camping in the midsummer heat. The vestibule is on the small side—big enough for boots and an empty pack, but not much else—but if you want more room the three-person version is also on sale, for $285 ($94 off)
I have not tested this tarp, but it appears to be nearly identical to Kelty’s Noah’s tarp (minus the clever name), which I love. Whether you need to keep rain off the picnic table or want some shade at the beach, tarps have you covered (cough).
Our favorite duffel bag, the Big Haul comes in a variety of sizes to swallow however much gear you have. This is the 40L version, but all the others are on sale as well. The Big Haul is made of durable, water-resistant materials and a clever customizable strap system. It can be used as a bag or backpack. The only downside is there’s no shoulder strap.
Stove and Water Filter Deals
Photograph: MSR
This lightweight, efficient, compact stove is perfect for car camping and bikepacking. It’s easy to use, and the fuel is cheap. We have seen the price dip lower, but this is still a good deal.
MSR’s answer to the all-in-one Jetboil type of stove, the WindBurner is perfect for those those solo adventures. If you end up making friends, the Windburner Duo is also on sale for $165 ($55 off)
The WhisperLite Universal is a legend for good reason. It’ll burn just about anything (isobutane-propane, white gas, gasoline, kerosene), making a great choice for international travel where you never know what kind of fuel will be available. Flame control is a little tricky, but I have managed to get it to simmer so long as the wind isn’t too bad.
Photograph: REI
This gravity water filter made backpacking with my family fun again. Seriously, fetching water for five on the trail can be a lot of work, but with MSR’s Guardian filter it’s as simple as scooping some water and waiting a few minutes. It’s expensive, but if you backpack with a large group it’s totally worth it.
This little filter lives at the bottom of my daypack because it’s so light. Why not? I don’t have to worry about lugging a ton of water, so long as I know a trail crosses active streams and I have this thing with me. In fact, if you’re an uber-ultralight-weightist (and a little silly) you can skip the bottle entirely and just squirt this thing in your mouth while you vault across streams, sailing toward that summit.
Headlamp and Lantern Deals
Photograph: REI
I got my first Petzel Tikka in 2000. It lasted 15 years and would probably still be going if I hadn’t accidentally run over it. These will stand up to a lot, but not the full weight of car, as it turns out. I am now on my second Tikka and it’s still the best headlamp I’ve ever used. Truthfully, these days I use a USB headlamp most of the time, but when I hit the trail I still take the Tikka and a set of extra (rechargeable) batteries.
This one is for REI members only, but it’s a great deal. These things make great stocking stuffers or white elephant gifts. The inflatable Luci light is frosted and has 10 LEDs and a color cycle mode. It’s fully waterproof and dirtproof, collapsible for easy storage, and charges in direct sunlight for about six hours of run time.
Barefoot Shoes Deals
One of our favorite barefoot shoe brands is also having a sale right now. If you’re new to barefoot shoes, have a look at our guide to The Best Barefoot Shoes before you dive in feet first.
Photograph: Xero Shoes
Once my favorite shoe (I’ve since moved to the even more minimalist Z-Trek Sandal), these remain a great choice for beginners and experienced barefooters alike. Think of these as the barefoot answer to Chacos. Except where Chacos are like putting tractors on your feet, the Z-Trails still flex and bend as you walk, giving your feet the freedom of movement you expect from a barefoot shoe. The kids Z-Trails are also a great deal at $30 ($30 off).
The HFS is our favorite barefoot shoe for running on human-made surfaces like concrete and asphalt. It has a bit of extra cushion that’s nice when you’re pounding the pavement (although you shouldn’t be pounding anything when running barefoot). These are comfortable and durable, and they offer about 7 millimeters of padding to soften the impact of hard surfaces.
If you want a heavier lug sole for hiking on rough ground but don’t want a full boot, Xero’s Mesa Trail II are a good choice. They can also double as trail runners when you want to move faster. The price varies a lot by color so it’s worth clicking around. If you don’t mind the red pair, they can be had for $36.
Photograph: Xero
The Tari is our top pick for a solid winter boot. My daughter has worn these for two years now everywhere from the icy, windy Colorado plains to the wind-swept Outer Banks and had toasty toes throughout. While technically a slip-on, it does have an adjustable strap that runs from the top of the arch, down to the sole, and then through a buckle near the back, which means you can snug it down a little if you need to.