남아공 스쿠터 회사, 연료비 상승 속에 스쿠터 대체품 제공
With fuel prices surging in South Africa, one proposed alternative is a three-wheel electric scooter.
While the South African government and central bank have adopted fuel price intervention strategies to tackle the surging prices, the CEO of Green Scooter, Fezile Dhlamini, has suggested his scooters could be another option.
The three-wheeled vehicles, which resemble tuk tuks, are made locally.
They can be charged using electric sockets so they are practical as well as environmentally friendly.
Since its launch in 2018, Green Scooter has sold or leased 60 of its vehicles.
#South_Africa #Scooter #Fezile_Dhlamini
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2022-06-15, 08:00 (KST)