Adult tricycles are a great way for riders who no longer feel safe on two wheel bikes to get out and ride on three wheels. Adult trikes have a wide wheel base and three wheels keep riders balanced on the ground. There are a lot myths claiming adult tricycles can tip over and are actually more unsafe than a two wheel bike. It is simple not true, while there is a risk of tipping over an adult three wheel bike it’s only if the rider doesn’t properly operate the adult trike. Riding a 3 wheel bicycle is different than riding a two wheel bicycle and there are different rules that apply to turning on an adult tricycle. Just like on a two wheel bike if you don’t properly operate the bike you will fall. The same is true on a tricycle for adults. Many people get on a tricycle as an adult and think what they learned riding a two wheel bike will apply to riding their trike. While some principals are the same, most are different. When starting to ride a 3 wheel bike as an adult it’s important to have an open mind on how to ride. Many riders can’t stop applying their two wheel bike riding habits to their new 3 wheel bicycle and thus the tricycle feels unstable. But if they can adapt to the three wheels and ride it as it should be ridden, it will be very stable and provide a very safe comfortable ride.
Check out the Adult Tricycles with three wheels in this video here:
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